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what is a directional snowboard

So you've decided you want to buy a snowboard. But with all the different types of boards out there, how do you know which one is right for you?

All You Need to Know About Directional Snowboards

In this blog post, we'll break down one of the most popular types of boards on the market today: the directional snowboard.

what is a directional snowboard
what is a directional snowboard

Read on to learn more about what a directional snowboard is, how it's different from other types of boards, and who it's best suited for.

What is a Directional Snowboard?

A directional snowboard is a type of board that is designed for downhill riding. It is typically longer and narrower than other types of boards, which gives it better stability and control at high speeds.

The vast majority of directional boards are also asymmetrical, meaning that the left and right sides of the board are not mirror images of each other. This asymmetrical design helps riders turn more easily and carve more smoothly into turns.

directional snowboard
directional snowboard

Directional vs Directional Twin Snowboards

One common confusion when shopping for a directional snowboard is the difference between a directional and a directional twin boards. The answer is actually pretty simple: a directional twin board is just a special type of directional board that happens to be symmetrical (meaning the left and right sides are mirror images). This symmetry makes the board more versatile, since it can be ridden equally well in either direction (hence the name "twin").

However, most riders still prefer directional boards for downhill riding since they tend to provide more stability and control at high speeds.

Who Should Ride a Directional Board?

If you're mostly interested in downhill riding particularly if you like to go fast then a directional board is probably the right choice for you. However, even if you're just starting out, we recommend choosing a directional twin board instead. The extra versatility will come in handy as you're learning how to snowboard, and you can always buy a true directional board later on once you've mastered the basics.

Regardless of which type of board you choose, be sure to pick one that's the right size for your height and weight; if you have any questions about sizing, our expert snowboarders here at Ski Country Sports would be happy to help.


We hope this blog post has helped clear up some confusion about what a directional snowboard is and who it's best suited for. As always, if you have any additional questions or would like help choosing the right board for your riding style, feel free to reach out to us here at Ski Country Sports. We're always happy to help!

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